Getting Started with Tables

Mastering your tables has never been easier!

Datalogz is divided into three panels (numbers in red) to make your experience fast and seamless.

1 The Top Banner displays the table's name, location, lineage map and displays the badges if there are any for this data. 2 There is an overview panel on the right side of the platform that focuses on giving the user a high-level summary of important aspects of the data table. 3 The panel on the left-hand side is the context and collaboration panel which contains our column documentation, dashboard, discussion, Code Templates, and lineage features.

Top Banner

  • Data asset name whether it's a table or dashboard.

  • Data Lineage map which is explained in greater detail here

  • Badges are displayed as well. Badges are explained in greater detail here

Overview Panel:

The overview panel gives you a high-level summary of any data table. It provides the following resources:

  • Description: The asset description gives context into the table, dashboard, report etc...

  • Owners: The owners of that data asset would be visible in this section. Owners serve as a primary point of contact for anything related to this table, dashboard, or report. The owner usually makes sure that asset is up to date with all the relevant context.

  • Frequent User: The frequent user serves as a secondary point of contact for this data asset. This could be an SME or someone who has interacted with this asset recently.

  • Tags: Tags help you find and bucket different assets across your org to help with discovery. The data assets shows all the tags which have been tagged against this asset.

  • Key Dates: That assets dates of first published/edited for everyone to know how up-to-date is that asset.

  • Data Quality: An aggregate score of the quality of the data.

Last updated