
How to connect Datalogz to PostGres

You can set up a PostgreSQL integration with Datalogz in four easy steps:

  1. Create Datalogz User in Postgres

  2. Select Add Data Source, click Postgres

  3. Provide your credentials

  4. Schedule automatic updates

Step 1: Create Datalogz User in Postgres

Make sure you run these commands as "ACCOUNTADMIN".

-- Create a user named "Datalogz_User" that Datalogz will use when connecting to your Postgres database. CREATE USER Datalogz PASSWORD '<enter password here>' '';

-- Complete this query for any schemas you would like Datalogz to read GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA <schema_name> TO Datalogz

Step 2: In Datalogz navigate to adding a PostgreSQL Database

  1. Login as an admin

  2. Click 'Add New Data Source' in the left navigation bar

  3. Select PostgreSQL

Step 3: Provide your Postgres Credentials

You will need to fill in your PostgreSQL credentials. Below is an example of the credentials required:

  1. Username: Datalogz_User

  2. Password: xxxxxxx

  3. Hostname:

  4. Port: 5432

  5. DB Name: database-1

  6. Data Access Location: direct link to your Postgres endpoint (Optional)

Once you have filled in the details, click on "Add Postgres Data Source ".

Step 4: Schedule Automatic Updates

  1. Click 'Manage Schedules' in the left navigation bar

  2. Click 'Configurations'

  3. Select your desired update time

  4. Select your Postgres Data Source

  5. Click 'Create Job'

Remember to whitelist the IP address shared with you from Datalogz. IP Address:

Last updated