Defining Business Metrics

Creating your business glossary

Creating a Term

Select Add Term on the business glossary page

  1. Term: Name of the metric or KPI that you're defining

  2. Definition: Business definition of the term that you're defining

  3. Tables Used in Calculation: Select all relevant data tables to this term

    • This will publish the term as a 'code template' on these tables

  4. Technical Calculation Code Type: Select the method used to caluclate this KPI

  5. Tecnhical Calculation: Share the actual code or link to a report where this term lives

  6. Department: Type the department that this term relates to

  7. Tags: Tag relevant business key words for this term

    • This helps improve the search for your colleage

  8. Verifier Email: Share who you would like to verify this term

Last updated