AWS Deployment of Datalogz


  • Create an AWS sub-account (optional but recommended). This will help to monitor the costs and be more secure, as it will not interfere with production or other workloads running in the existing AWS accounts. If you deploy Datalogz in another sub-account you need to take care of respective network settings to connect your data sources.

  • A Route53 Public Hosted Zone with a Publicly resolvable DNS name. We use this domain to add an entry into it related to Datalogz URL.

  • Create a user with the following IAM permissions:

    • ec2:*

    • iam:*

    • s3:*

    • eks:*

    • cloudwatch:*

    • autoscaling:*

    • vpc:*

    • efs:*

    • resourcegroups:*

    • route53:*

Note: You can either create a new IAM user or enable an existing user with the above permissions. We will use the AWS Credentials of this user to deploy Datalogz within your AWS Account using Terraform. After completion, you can remove these permissions from the user.

Deployment Details

Datalogz deploys into the Customer’s AWS Account within a newly created VPC on EKS using Helm (

What cluster addons do we install in the EKS Cluster?

  1. Nginx Ingress Controller (

  2. Cert Manager ( External DNS (

  3. EKS Cluster Autoscaler (

  4. EKS Spot Node Termination Handler (

Note: If you already has an EKS Cluster running in their AWS Account, we can work with you to install Datalogz directly into it as well.

Datalogz uses Terraform ( to deploy and manage all the AWS resources along with using Ansible ( to install cluster-addons and Datalogz within the EKS Clusters.

AWS Cost Estimate

Note: The mentioned pricing is based on the basic deployment of Datalogz. We use two On-Demand m5.xlarge EC2 machines in the basic deployment. Based on the usage of Datalogz, it can scale up the Frontend microservice thus resulting in an uptick of EC2 costs. There can be additional Data Transfer costs based on usage which are hard to calculate. 80% of AWS cost incurred by Datalogz is due to EKS (Fixed cost per month) and EC2 (Variable cost based on usage). Cost may vary slightly depending on the AWS region.

Last updated